PHP and Image Processing – PL Courses

PHP and Image Processing – PL Courses

PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language widely used for web development. It offers functionalities for image processing, including resizing, cropping, and filtering images. To work with image processing in PHP, ensure that the GD library is installed and enabled on your server. PHP's image processing capabilities are versatile, allowing developers to handle media-rich content effectively.
PHP and Microservices Architecture – PL Courses

PHP and Microservices Architecture – PL Courses

PHP and Microservices Architecture is a growing trend within the software development industry. Microservices are a design approach to building a single application as a suite of small, independent services. Each of these services runs its process and communicates via...
PHP Performance Optimization – PL Courses

PHP Performance Optimization – PL Courses

When it comes to web development, the performance of your website especially important. The speed and efficiency of how your PHP code runs can make a significant difference in user experience and search engine rankings. Therefore, optimizing your PHP...
PHP and Unit Testing: PHPUnit – PL Courses

PHP and Unit Testing: PHPUnit – PL Courses

Unit testing in PHP involves testing individual units of code to ensure proper functionality. Tests are automated and written by developers, following the test-driven development (TDD) approach. Benefits include bug detection, code quality improvement, refactoring confidence, and documentation. Unit tests should be isolated and not rely on external systems for reliability and maintainability.
Control Structures in PHP: If, Else, Switch – PL Courses

Control Structures in PHP: If, Else, Switch – PL Courses

Learn about the fundamental control structures in PHP, including conditional statements like if, else, and switch, as well as loops like for, while, and foreach. Mastering these structures is essential for controlling the flow of execution in your PHP scripts. Explore examples and enhance your coding skills for logical and efficient programming.
PHP for Beginners: Common Mistakes and Solutions – PL Courses

PHP for Beginners: Common Mistakes and Solutions – PL Courses

Learn the fundamental concepts of PHP to build a strong foundation. Understand syntax, embedding PHP in HTML, commenting code, and the difference between echo and print. Practice is key to mastering PHP, so keep writing and testing your code for success in this versatile scripting language.
PHP and Dependency Management: Composer

PHP and Dependency Management: Composer

Composer is a powerful tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare project libraries and manages them on a per-project basis. By creating a `composer.json` file, you can define dependencies and run commands like `composer install` or `composer require` to manage packages efficiently. Composer simplifies PHP project development.
PHP Loops: For, While, Foreach

PHP Loops: For, While, Foreach

Loops are fundamental in programming, allowing you to execute code repeatedly. In PHP, there are three main types of loops: for, while, and foreach. The for loop is used when you know how many times to execute a statement. The while loop executes code as long as a condition is true. The foreach loop iterates over arrays and objects. Understanding when to use each loop is important for efficient code. Explore each loop in detail with examples.
PHP and GraphQL: Building APIs

PHP and GraphQL: Building APIs

GraphQL, developed by Facebook in 2012 and open-sourced in 2015, is a query language for APIs that offers a more efficient and flexible alternative to REST API. With GraphQL, clients can request only the necessary data, reducing network transfers and improving performance. It also allows fetching multiple resources in a single request and provides a strong type system for error prevention. Additionally, GraphQL offers a powerful introspection system for easier API integration and tool building. Overall, using GraphQL simplifies API building and consumption, enhancing performance and developer experience.