Creating Custom Statistical Distributions in scipy.stats.rv_continuous

Creating Custom Statistical Distributions in scipy.stats.rv_continuous

Create and work with custom statistical distributions using scipy.stats.rv_continuous in the SciPy library. Define custom probability density functions (PDFs) and other statistical functions for accurate representation of complex real-world phenomena. Import rv_continuous, define a subclass, and explore methods for custom PDFs and random number generators.

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Substituting Strings with re.sub

Substituting Strings with re.sub

Substituting Strings with re.sub: Python's re module offers the versatile re.sub() function for string replacements and pattern-based substitutions. Learn how to use regular expressions to search for and replace specific patterns in a string, with advanced techniques, special cases, and best practices included.

The post Substituting Strings with re.sub appeared first on Python Lore.

Implementing Regression Models in scikit-learn – Python Lore

Implementing Regression Models in scikit-learn – Python Lore

Implement regression models easily and effectively with scikit-learn, a popular Python library for machine learning. Understand the relationship between variables and forecast future observations using linear and non-linear regression models. Dive deeper into data preparation, implementation, evaluation, and fine-tuning for optimal performance.

The post Implementing Regression Models in scikit-learn appeared first on Python Lore.