PHP Performance Optimization – PL Courses

PHP Performance Optimization – PL Courses

When it comes to web development, the performance of your website especially important. The speed and efficiency of how your PHP code runs can make a significant difference in user experience and search engine rankings. Therefore, optimizing your PHP...
JavaScript Performance Optimization

JavaScript Performance Optimization

Learn how to identify and optimize JavaScript performance bottlenecks in your code. Inefficient algorithms, excessive DOM updates, memory leaks, garbage collection, and forced synchronous layout can all impact performance. By understanding these issues and measuring your code's performance, you can write more optimized JavaScript code. Remember to measure before and after making changes to ensure desired performance improvements.
Java Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques – PL Courses

Java Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques – PL Courses

Learn how to identify and optimize Java performance bottlenecks. Key areas to consider include garbage collection, memory leaks, CPU usage, I/O operations, and synchronization. Profiling tools like JVisualVM, YourKit, or JProfiler can help diagnose bottlenecks. Remember to measure and analyze performance before making changes to avoid unnecessary complexity.

When should I use preact compat?

๐Ÿ“– tl;dr: Use preact/compat when you are including third-party libraries in your project that were originally written for React. What's the difference between preact and preact/compat? That's a great and…