Rendering emails with Svelte

We recently rebuilt our whole email stack from scratch to improve the developer experience: we now have an instant feedback loop, leveraging a SvelteKit-powered dev server.

The 10 best vim color schemes for Python, and how to install

Vim, an open-source editor, comes pre-installed with a few color schemes. If you're tired of the default color scheme or want to try something new or give your code a fresh look and feel, you can download and install a new color scheme. In addition, color schemes are a set of colors that specify how to emphasize source code.

“What is HTML” explained with examples

Is Html a programming language? It is easy to get confused thinking of HTML as a programming language, but the fact is HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language. It creates electronic documents (web pages) displayed on the World Wide Web (WWW). For not being a programming language, it does not have the capability to create dynamic functionality. HTML pages can be viewed by anyone connected to the internet.

When should I use preact compat?

📖 tl;dr: Use preact/compat when you are including third-party libraries in your project that were originally written for React. What's the difference between preact and preact/compat? That's a great and…