Why humanizing AI content doesn’t work

CyberSEO Pro - Why humanizing AI content doesn’t work

Various online services offer what they call “humanization” of content generated by language AI models, promising that if you select the option to “write like a 7-year-old child,” your text will not be recognized by GPT detectors. Yes, you can specify such a preference in your prompt, but this will not only significantly degrade the quality of your content, turning readers away, but it will also not hinder the operation of GPT detectors, and here’s why.

First, it’s important to understand how detectors for content generated by language AI models work. They do not assess your text for literacy or try to determine whether it was written by an adult, a child, or someone with mental disorders, as such analysis is not part of their function. The task of GPT detectors is to identify the GPT flow – a specific sequence of tokens generated by language AI models.

In fact, GPT detectors are AI models, but they are not identical to those that originally generated the text. They are different, yet operate on a similar principle, often belonging to a previous generation. When analyzing text, they assess the likelihood of how they would sequence each subsequent token following the previous one. As a result, it is virtually impossible to deceive a GPT detector with even the most ingenious prompt, because the generated text will inevitably adhere to the characteristic GPT flow.

So, how can you confuse GPT? We have already provided the answer in our previous articles, for example, here. The essence of the method described there is very simple – your text must be processed by a synonymizer or content spinner. But not just any spinner; it must be the simplest robotic spinner that replaces certain words and phrases in the text without analyzing the context.

Indeed, you can now find a multitude of content spinners that also utilize AI models in their operations, i.e., they rewrite your content originally generated by one language AI model using another language AI model. As a result, the text is rewritten and reorganized, but this new text still follows the GPT flow, making it easy for a GPT detector to recognize the AI nature of your rewritten text.

On the other hand, a basic synonymizer-robot that uses a simple table of synonyms for random replacement of words and phrases from a list, such as replacing “this drone” with “the drone,” completely disrupts the smooth GPT flow. This method confuses AI content detectors, leading them to classify your text as 100% human-written.

Now, a few words on why there’s even a need to humanize content. The answer is simple – there isn’t one. The fact is that search engines do not penalize or de-index content solely because it is created by a language AI model. They de-index spam, regardless of whether it was written by a human or generated by a neural network.

Google itself sells access to the API of its language AI model, Gemini Pro, which, according to representatives of Google, is supposed to help people create higher quality content for the internet. Do you really think it would penalize content created by its own commercial AI model? That’s not how business is done.

Unfortunately, with the emergence of ChatGPT, many have sought to use it not for generating valuable content, but for mass-producing doorways for spam. As a result, tons of spam have been generated using AI because that was the intent.

If you want to create high-quality content that doesn’t need any “humanization” (as we’ve determined, it doesn’t work anyway), use services and plugins/scripts that allow you to generate content that provides useful information to readers. Models like OpenAI’s GPT-4, Anthropic’s Claude 3, and Google’s Gemini Pro 1.5 contain a vast amount of invaluable knowledge from across the internet. Essentially, they “know” much more than Wikipedia, and your task is to extract this knowledge from them.

For these purposes, you will need tools that give you the ability to write your own prompts, rather than setting up a bunch of switches and dropdown menus that severely limit your capabilities. The CyberSEO Pro and AI Autoblogger plugins are designed to give users full control over the prompts, enabling them to achieve the highest quality from the content they generate – both textual and graphical. After all, any article on the internet needs beautiful and relevant illustrations to attract rather than repel the reader.

If you still have doubts that search engines do not de-index content created with AI, consider this article (the very one you’re reading), created using OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo. Do you think it will appear in Google’s search results?

Use the right tools for generating AI content and learn to write the right prompts, as this is the key to your success!

Source: https://www.cyberseo.net/blog/why-humanizing-ai-content-doesnt-work/