Stack Overflow’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are a cornerstone of our efforts to create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace. For this episode, Ben chats with Stack Overflow employee engagement partner Joey Randazzo, senior software engineer and friend of the show Kyle Mitofsky, and Natasha Maiorana, executive business partner and co-chair (with Kyle) of the Allyship ERG. Topics include what led Kyle and Natasha to found the Allyship ERG, focused on allyship across all identity groups; how ERGs support employees; and what it’s like to be a professional workplace bestie.
Episode notes:
Stack Overflow’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) focus on aspects of employees’ personhood, “who you are outside of your role, who you bring to every single room that you enter,” Joey explains. Among our ERGs are Black and Brown, LGBTQ+, MIND (mental illness and neurodiversity), and a group for caregivers and parents. Interested in learning more about our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, plus more about what it’s like to work at Stack Overflow? Start here.
Members of Stack’s MIND ERG contributed invaluable perspective, insights, and feedback that helped us write our two-parter on ADHD and neurodiversity: Developer with ADHD? You’re not alone and What developers with ADHD want you to know.
Joey is on LinkedIn.
Natasha is also on LinkedIn.
Kyle is on Linked, GitHub, and text-based social media.
Stack Overflow user apostofes earned a Great Question badge for their query How do I get the value of a tensor in PyTorch?, which has helped 175,000 people and counting.
Tags: diversity, employee resource group, ERG, identity, neurodiversity, the stack overflow podcast
Source: https://stackoverflow.blog/2023/08/29/what-its-like-being-a-professional-workplace-bestie-ep-603/