Running 1000 tests in 1s

đź“– tl;dr: Most code doesn't require the amount of test isolation contemporary test runners apply by default. If you only opt into the amount of isolations you need, you can…

Models in Django

A model is the sole, authoritative source of your data's information. It comprises both the fields and the actions needed by the data stored. As a convention, one model maps to a single table in the database.

How to use Faker in Django

Faker is one of the Python libraries that helps you create fake data. This article will utilize Faker in Django to make some early data for our database. We'll start by configuring Faker with Django and then looking at producing data.

“What is HTML” explained with examples

Is Html a programming language? It is easy to get confused thinking of HTML as a programming language, but the fact is HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language. It creates electronic documents (web pages) displayed on the World Wide Web (WWW). For not being a programming language, it does not have the capability to create dynamic functionality. HTML pages can be viewed by anyone connected to the internet.