Rendering emails with Svelte

We recently rebuilt our whole email stack from scratch to improve the developer experience: we now have an instant feedback loop, leveraging a SvelteKit-powered dev server.

Python Django vs. Flask

Python is a handy tool for web development. In fact, Python is known for its great web development frameworks, Flask and Django, and its ability to adapt fast to technological advancements.

10 Tips for Beginners getting started with Django

Django is keen on adhering to the MVC (Model View Controller) convention that many frameworks follow. However, the framework is keen on working with its own control rules. Since the control you need when dealing with your Django apps is not isolated, Django is sometimes called an MVT application with the View component bridging the Model component and Template component of your apps.

Portals considered harmful

📖 tl;dr: Make sure that each Portal and render() root has its own DOM node. Don't mix the two or try to share roots as that's undefined behavior and leads…

Hooks vs Classes a few months later

📖 tl;dr: Hooks have simplified a lot of UI code for many users. But what's the maintainers perspective on them? Do they lead to less time spent answering support questions?…

When should I use preact compat?

📖 tl;dr: Use preact/compat when you are including third-party libraries in your project that were originally written for React. What's the difference between preact and preact/compat? That's a great and…