Kathryn Murphy, SVP of Product and Design at Twilio, chats with Stack Overflow CTO Jody Bailey about walking the line between product design and engineering early in their careers, lessons learned at tech juggernauts like Salesforce and Amazon, and their respective roadmaps for integrating generative AI into their products. Plus, advice for people trying to decide between product design and engineering (spoiler: you can do both).
Episode notes:
Twilio is a customer engagement platform whose communication APIs for voice, text, chat, email, and video are used by millions of developers. See what’s happening on their blog, dig into their docs, or check out their Stack Overflow Collective.
This summer, Twilio announced CustomerAI, which applies the power of LLMs to the rich troves of customer data that flows through Twilio’s platform. Learn more here.
ICYMI: From the stage of WeAreDevelopers, Stack Overflow announced a roadmap for integrating GenAI into our public platform and paid offerings. Check out Stack Overflow Labs to see what we’re working on.
Also ICYMI: Listen to our conversation with Jody about his path from physics to sales to programming and what drew him to working at Stack Overflow.
Register for SIGNAL 2023, Twilio’s customer and developer conference, happening virtually and for free on August 23, 2023. Attendees can expect a deep dive into AI and how it’s revolutionizing customer experience technology.
Connect with Kathryn on LinkedIn or the social network formerly known as Twitter.
Connect with Jody on LinkedIn.
Three cheers for Lifeboat badge winner blackgreen, who swooped in to save How can I write a generic function that accepts any numerical type? from the howling void of ignorance.
Tags: the stack overflow podcast
Source: https://stackoverflow.blog/2023/08/04/the-fine-line-between-product-and-engineering-ep-596/